Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday is Spent outside

At the painful hour of 6.00am, my dad turns on the radio to the rock music station and puts it on loud, evilly cackling, "No torture, no fun...Come on, we're going on a hike."

An hour and a half later, our booties are finally on the sidewalk. The train ride from Mortdale station to Circular Quey takes another hour and 10 minutes before we hop onto the ferry to Taronga Zoo (which is situated on an island), our hiking destination for the day. As I look back to the mainland, I see ominous rolling black clouds in the distance, hovering just above the edge of the city, and I wonder, what is going to happen next?

The hike starts off  uneventful. My dad is more obsessed with making his mobile GPS find him than with nature. Looking at him (and remembering the Indonesia trip where he was obsessed with taking photos of a live volcano wherever we went) I figure out where I get my own occasional idiosyncratic obsessions from.As we walk on, we come across two parakeets loudly calling out to each other. How are you? I'm just fine! My husband went to visit the harbour bridge today. My husband is off mating. Hey look someone's taking a photo! How do I look? It's fine, it's fine.

The trail we are following is called the "Bradleys Head Walk" and leads to a gun battery, built after four American warships managed to sail undetected into Sydney Harbour in 1839. As I gaze at the cannons and bullet pitted firing wall (my dad says the wall is just weathered), I imagine the carnage and bloodshed that must have happened during those times. [If you look carefully the cannons are on rails that rotate 360degrees. My sister and I tried to push one but it refused to budge.]
We come across a small staircase that leads to the clear waters of Taylors Bay and decide to take a break. Taking off our shoes, we wade into the water and enjoy the cool breeze. Midway through our break, my left shoe decides to go off on a paddle, drowning before I could save it from getting wet. After transferring some weight from our backpacks into our stomachs, we set off again, me with a one wet shoe squelching through the bush.

Our hike brings us through a maze of tree skeletons (bushfire reigns supreme in Australian bushland). On the way we come across the equivalents of ant high rises (ginormous ant mounds on trees) with beautiful views of the bay. The living standards of ants are high in Australia.

Heading towards Clifton Gardens, we emerge on a beach, whereupon I fall in love with an absolutely gorgeous Mountain Bernese. This dog [Dunlop] is twice the size of my own golden retriever. An amiable dog, Dunlop allows me to fuss over him and even gives me his paw! ^.^ Other gorgeous specimens include an Alsatian mix who loves swimming in the water and a Huskie (omg their eyes. I. Love. Their. Eyes.).

There is a cute little boy happily running around bottom naked in the playground near the beach. After awhile, he pees on the sand, and even squats for better leverage. It is a big puddle, but he proceeds to cover it up with sand when he is done. Another boy sees the sand pit and dives into it. "Sand!" he cries. O.O

In Georges Head I come across more cannons overlooking the harbour [FYI these cannons are extremely long range. They have to be, from their positioning]. As I walk around a couple trying to read a sign, a little bundle of fur startles me. After admiring big dogs, this tiny Chiwawa cross Pomeranian is not in my adjusted narrow vision. XD Max is also the first Chiwawa that I have come across that doesn't yip at anything that moves. After a bit of sniff, he warms up to me and allows me to pet him on his head. When I move away, he growls and asks for more petting. >.> Ruff.

On with the journey to Balmora Beach. We observe the Mercedes and Porches and Mini Coopers amidst the custom built three storey houses on slopes. Here the hike ends and we take a bus back to Taronga Zoo, and catch the ferry immediately after. When we reach Circular Quey, a unicyclist with extremely corny lines advertises his performance.  I know it looks easy, but it isn't. So don't try this at home. Hey look, two wheels! How did you guys manage to ride a bike? It took me 20 years to learn how to ride one! After awhile we become bored and so we go home.

And that is my Sunday out.

Footnote: I don't think feet are designed to walk on flat land. And it's not the shoes that cause blisters. It's the tiny grainy bits of gravel and sand that get in your shoes that cause the blisters.

I'm also very sorry that I don't have postcards to send this time round. I forgot to look for them in Taronga Zoo and only remembered in Circular Quey, and their postcards aren't much to look at. I'll remember next time.

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Friday, January 29, 2010


The first thing almost every single Australian high school girl does when she gets her school uniform is to tailor it a uniform 10cm above her knee. This measurement is uniform because if you observe the girls from afar, their skirts are all the same length O.o

So, shouldn't the schools just ask the factories to design the skirts 10 cm above the knee, hence saving on wasted cloth and money? Only one in about 100 girls are afraid of short skirts, and that's it. Surely it would be cheaper for those girls to tailor the skirts instead of the other 99? The extra money could go to buying us extra fixings for the school. Such as new lights for a Room 5. *light flickers...dies*

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

First Day of School

It's the first day of school!!! XD

Awesome awesome awesome. Returning to school to learn new things is always awesome. Especially when you meet friends that you have not seen in a month and a half. They also put in new, bouncy earth in front of the drama shed!!! *boing* It's also probably bouncy people like me that causes the grass to keep dying. If that's the case, I am responsible for the murder of the grass in the Year 12 quad as well as the grass in front of the drama shed.

They changed our time schedules. I now have lunch classes! T.T Had my first lunch class today and almost ended up starving. Apparently we're allowed to eat in class but I was seating right in front of the teacher and everyone else seemed to be on a diet....I stole a couple of bites and ate the rest in Maths after. XP One very very very excellent change that they made was my English teacher. I now have a teacher whom I think is an absolutely brilliant and funny genius. *anticipates her first English class tomorrow*

It is also the first time that I walked back from Mortdale station (instead of Penshurst) with NEW walking buddies (my old one moved away and abandoned me to the sharks. Jokes. XD). On the way I met even more friends that I haven't seen in a year and two months! We are definitely going to meet next time and get all excited again.

Anyway, it's been a wonderful, wonderful day.

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Monday, January 25, 2010

In Aussie

Haaah! Who knew that connecting flights could pack such a big punch? I've been knocked out cold and I'm staying down....

My first day in Australia has been spent unpacking all the stuff that was previously packed. I am now stretching my organizational skills to its limits by trying to make space where there isn't any space. Now that I look at it, I think I may have gone a little crazy with the need to stock up on stationary. =D Either way, stationary ROCKS!!! *spoken like a true believer in the power of stationary*

My body clock refuses to readjust. I look at food and I just think "bleah". I also keep thinking that it's earlier than it's supposed to be. Nothing a good twelve hour siesta shouldn't fix. ^^

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Cleaning Frenzy

My house is the busiest on the block and it looks like a full scale spring cleaning is going on. The gardener is tidying up the garden and one result of his efforts is that our bamboo grove now resembles a leafy table top.The house is now squeaky clean and all the toilets work. XP

The dog had a bath and has commenced rolling on the ground once we let him go.

The luggage is being repacked due to the fact that it is overweight. Very overweight. We are in trouble.


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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Honesty and clear air

I'm going to be honest. When I come across large patches of Chinese on the net, I copy paste the words onto Google Translate. XP

More often than not, Google Translation leaves much to be desired and I end up reading the original piece anyway. It really makes me wonder why I bothered wasting the energy of copying and pasting in the first place. Haha.

I am also glad that I was completely frank with a certain somebody today. The air cleared up (well, not really. CK odor is pretty lasting) and I'm going to hold you to that promise. As a result, the world is still spinning on its axis at an angle; everything is okay now .+*^.^*+.


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Monday, January 18, 2010

Hanging out

These two days were fantastic. And crazy.

I got my first pair of high heels yesterday. Haha! I'm breaking into them this Saturday. Hopefully my sense of balance will not completely abandon me while I totter around on 3 inch sticks.

LK came over for a sleepover to catch up. We talked. A lot. I miss you already. One sleepover is not going to make up for eleven months of separation, but I will have to make do with it. I'm feeling melancholic about leaving already. I'll never get used to that.

Today I had a two hour lunch with some of my besties. THANK YOU Meng Yan for lunch. I don't care; somewhere, some how, some day, we're treating you. I'm glad you cheered up as time passed. You made LK and I worry. Also, sorry about the super short time frame. I promise that next time will be the full blown six hours we're used to. Or possibly the whole day. Or week. As long as we don't grow tired of each other. XD

Managed to get one great shot. Here.

Ok, so the quality's not that great. And one guy isn't ready. But it's the only group shot I have from this year (yeah, I know, pathetic) so I will cherish this for a long time (I wonder what a teenager's concept of "long time" is?).

Thanks for everything! .+*^.^*+.


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Friday, January 15, 2010

The strangest things fascinate me

When it comes down to things that catch my attention, I am a baby.

I was visiting this remarkable heritage site the other day, with tons of history behind it, meaning it was a gold mine full of interesting observations to be made. And the first thing I observed? Grass. It sounds underwhelming, but to a person like me, touch-me-nots are lots of fun. I sat there poking and irritating the clump of sensitive plants until my dad made me haul ass to look at real stuff. It was completely worth the entrance fee. =D

Then there was this other time when I had a glass cup full of hot tea and ice in it. This is most certainly not the first time I had a glass cup full of hot tea with ice in it. Yet, I was completely enthralled by the melting ice and oblivious to my surroundings. There is just something fascinating about layers of melted ice water mixing with tea...

Another incident was the ant incident. It was raining, I was bored, the school bell was going in five agonizing minutes, and then this ant crawls onto my table. The innocent little ant captures my attention. I just sat there watching the poor, lost ant crawl all over my table. Before I knew it, the bell rang.

So there. Now you know that if I'm staring hard at something mundane, I'm not visiting planet Mars. I'm actually observing that mundane thing.


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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It's hard to wean off facebook

It's completely ironic.

Most of you who know me know that I don't like blogs because I find it too impersonal. Yet here I am, typing away impersonally, because this year I'm in Year 12 and I need to find some innovative and useful replacement for Facebook. According to certain sources (ahem), Facebook apparently stunts my mental capacity and blogging does not.

So here's my first entry.


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My Mythical Beasts

Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today!