Thursday, April 29, 2010

Trivialities! XD

Talking about not thinking so much....

For the past few days I have been happily amused by trivialities. Trivialities like the "clicky box" of mints that were given out in thanks for all those girls who attended the chartered accountant seminar. And blazers. Blazers rock because they have inside "hidden" pockets, where you reach inside your blazer to pull out mysterious and secretive things close to your heart. Just like they do in movies. Whenever they have confrontations, all these mafia-like people pull guns out of their "hidden" blazer pockets, and I go WHOA OMG they have GUNZ!... With winter around the corner I have an excuse to wear a blazer everyday, which means I have a valid excuse for acting suspicious, making shifty looks at my friends, reaching into my "hidden" pocket and pulling out a .....pen.
N.B. I never do this very well. Whenever I attempt to do such things my friends look at me like I have carrots growing out of my ears (or something equally weird).

Today the things that amused me included an iphone application of a piano keyboard (I played "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" and beamed at people around me every few notes), my crunchy apple (it was one of the crunchiest I ever had. I just had to listen to myself chewing) and primary kids' class blogs (now I know for sure there are people out there who have absolutely nothing to do). I amuse my associates by being amused. Hence, I bring joy to the world around me. XD

Three other unrelated things that I have to get off my chest or else I will have no peace:
1. Ludwig Van Beethoven is NOT of the Romantic period for music.
2. Snoozing that extra 5 minutes in the morning counts.
3. I blame my American burr/writing habits on too much American television and books by American authors. (In truth, American spelling is prettier. "Mom" and "Mum", "realise" and "realize": Which one is prettier?)

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Crazy World

The world has gone crazy on me. After one term of discussing Einstein's theory of relativity and a sleepless night, everything looks a bit...weird.

I was walking back from school when I made the observation that the pole in my path was making its way towards me instead of me moving towards the pole. At the same time it was not me that was pushing against the earth and exerting a force that enables me to walk but the earth that was pushing against me and exerting a force equal to the force I exerted and thus allowing me to lift my feet. I felt that I was not "walking" but continually falling until a force is exerted by my other foot that enables me to "stop"/change direction. It was also observed that I could be "stationary" and it was the earth that was moving beneath my feet and changing the direction in which I was traveling.

This is pretty scary stuff for a person who was surviving the day on a high from sleep deprivation. I ran home and curled up in bed, only to feel the bed moving beneath me. But I figured out that this could be explained by the blood circulating my head. Flinging myself onto the bed after running did not allow my circulating blood to change direction as fast as my body was, thus creating the sensation that I (or the bed) was still moving even though I had already "stopped". Liquids don't move as fast as solids. Same reason why the Earth has a spare tire around its equator.

Happy Anzac Day! Although theoretically I should not say "happy" since it is in fact a day that commemorates the Australian and New Zealand soldiers that fought in WWI.

I probably should stop thinking so much now. I'd be heaps happier.

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Food for thought...

Today, the klutz fell down and scraped her knee. Well, the ground was uneven. And I was looking at my mobile phone. All perfectly valid reasons for falling down.

But here's a thought: wouldn't the world be so much more convenient if we didn't have blood? There would be no more gushing of body fluids the minute our skin cells are broken by a sharp external object. Of course, we would also be conveniently dead. Which doesn't make the world convenient at all. =.=

I definitely need to do more thinking on that thought.

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Ramblings of a Klutz

It's a Wednesday. I have cuts on my arm and foot, a strained muscle and a yellow/green bruise on my hip. I would have liked to say that these are my victorious scars from a glorious battle to death with some maniac that was twice my size. Sadly, the real story is about a table.

Ever have one of those moments where plans look really nice in your head but when you carry them out it isn't smooth sailing at all? Yeah, well, this was one of those moments.

The new table arrived. A completely ordinary table, made of pine, about waist high and a meter wide. Not very scary. My dad and I lugged the old table down into the garage. Just the normal process of shifting furniture. Then he decided to move the things around in the garage, and I was left alone with the new table. No problem, I thought. I can do this by myself. All I have to do is move the table from spot "A" and up the stairs to "B". Then laugh it off with dad and tell him it was magic that brought it upstairs. It was the perfect plan.

I picked up the table, using my right hip to support it a little. It wasn't too heavy; the rectangular shape was just a bit awkward to handle by myself. I had to carry it at my side other wise it wouldn't fit up the stairs. The table tilted dangerously as soon as I got up the first flight of stairs. WHAM. That was my foot. No worries. Just a bit of epidermis scraped off. Looks like a little blood, but it doesn't hurt too much. On with the journey. Take a small break on the landing. 

So I was there on the landing, enjoying the bit of sunshine that came in through the door when Oh, shoot, wind, doorknob, protect new table, SLAM. That was the arm. No, the door didn't crush my arm. I was lucky. I only got off with the doorknob scraping more epidermis off the side of my arm. Aaaah. Stings. I can hear dad. Okay, hurry up, just a bit more. Push, heave, pull, don't give up on me you lame arm muscles. Maybe I should do more push ups. Adjust the hip bit. Hmm. Wood is hard. =.= Yes, we're there hooray!!!! Just as I shifted the table into place, I banged my head into the shelf above me. My thick skull finally came into some good use.

When my dad finally came up the table was where it should be and I was watching TV. I tried to make the joke about magic, but my dad noticed my new dinosaur cartooned plasters on my arm and foot. He laughed, shook his head, and muttered something about "hopeless case".  So much for the grand plan.

And don't worry, Kristy. I'm on the mend already. Us klutzy people have developed speedy recovery systems over the years to combat the numerous injuries that we unintentionally inflict on ourselves. Besides, the brontosauruses on my foot is smiling at me. That's a good sign. XD

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Property Visiting

I have witnessed my first house auction! XD

The property involved was about 460 square feet. The buildup was a double story brick veneer that had an "in-between" level built above the garage. Very very awesome. There were lots of rooms - about 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, two living rooms and a huge backyard with a northern aspect. That means lots of space and lots of sun. The entire house was also air conditioned. I found the fireplace in the living room ironic until I realized that it was electrical.

About 15 families recorded an interest to bid for the property.Once everyone had gathered in the backyard at the ground rules had been read out, the auctioneer suggested that someone start bidding at about 800k. No one wanted to go first. After a looooong while under the sun, someone finally suggested 700k. No one was too worried about this since there is a reserve price on a market anyway, so if the bidders don't bid high enough, the house remains on the market for other potential buyers. At this point the auctioneer encouraged people to raise the price by 50k increments and "be brave and bold". He left out "and be poor". Other agents were planted strategically among the crowd to encourage people to join in. In the background, a banker advertised loans.

There were only two serious buyers who bid against each other once the price was raised above 840k (it beat the reserve price and took the house off the market to be sold there and then). There was also a third guy whose strategy was to come in at random intervals (he only bid 4 times in total), but he stopped once the price passed 843k. By this time the price was only increasing by 0.5k to 1k. It was down to the two of them. Who would win? Asian or Caucasian? In the end, the Caucasian buyer figured out that the Asian buyer was really really determined to own this house, so he backed out and the house sold for 848k AUD. Whoo! Commence clapping for the victorious!

Excitement over! I left.

At another property that I visited I came across this plaque.

That is so true.

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Dim Sum in Australia

I finally had dim sum in Australia! The Crown Dragon restaurant of the St George League was my asian salvation when it came to food. I had century egg porridge, ha gao, char siew pao, rice noodle rolls with shrimps, tau fu fa, etc... it was magnificent! Glorious! The siew pao made my day. It's pastry was so soft and crumbly and light; it melted away in my mouth. Although I only had one piece per serving, so many dishes were ordered that I made a complete pig of myself, stuffing myself to satisfaction, so much that I had to forgo dinner. It makes me so glad that I don't come across good food everyday, otherwise I would be a behemoth by now. Actually, that's debatable. Maybe I already am a behemoth and I'm just in denial. >.> FOOD, glorious FOOD!!! XD

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Friday, April 2, 2010

School Holidays

It's that time of the year again when my sleeping patterns involve being awake at 4am and napping at 12pm. It's that time of the year when I look at the heap of homework I have on my desk, and I think, "Later..." but later never comes. It's that time when the internet plan caps after five days, and when the whole period is over, I wonder Where the heck did time fly to?

School holidays. I have such mixed feelings about these stretches of school-less days. On one hand, it is a period for reflection, self-recollection and study. On the other hand, it is a period where I don't see my friends unless we make plans. And even then, plans are hard to keep because the holidays is also a period to be spent with the family.

So far, I have three goals to accomplish these holidays.
1. Complete all homework before the 2nd week.
2. Master Clair De Lune, the Blue Danube Waltz, The Girl with the Flaxen hair and my fear of keys containing more than four sharps or flats.
3. Thoroughly analyze and reflect on what I have done so far and figure out what I must do next to improve my dead grades.

I will be working hard. I have no choice really, since I'm going to mentally kick myself if I slack off. Ouch! Time to go off the blog.

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My Mythical Beasts

Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today!