Saturday, April 16, 2011

My Devious Plan

It is autumn. Almost winter. The premature cold pinch in the air forces shivering bodies to seek the shelter of thick hoodies, sweatpants and other warm bodies. Limbs flail around in strange dance-like movements to increase the heat within bodies. But it is not my fight, because I have a plan.

A devious plan.

"Mom, I'll wash the dishes today." The bait is thrown and the prize is caught. When I turn on the tap, the icy shower further numbed my fingers. However, patience is a virtue. Dabbing the cleaning sponge with some soap, I await the magic as I hold the first dirty dish under the stream of water.

Oh, the sheer pleasure when a gentle heat washes over my hands and carries the cold down the drain. I wash every dish with care and detail, lingering longer than necessary for a mere rinse, savouring the heat that radiates from my hands and spreads through my body. Around me cold humans complain and whine about the unforgiving forces of nature, but I keep my peace, focused on channelling energy to my core.

Alas, all that is good must come to an end. There is no more dirty kitchenware to wash. As I cast one last look at the sink, I smile, secure with the knowledge of my own battle plan.

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Nichole said...

you are so.. bored XD

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