Thursday, April 29, 2010

Trivialities! XD

Talking about not thinking so much....

For the past few days I have been happily amused by trivialities. Trivialities like the "clicky box" of mints that were given out in thanks for all those girls who attended the chartered accountant seminar. And blazers. Blazers rock because they have inside "hidden" pockets, where you reach inside your blazer to pull out mysterious and secretive things close to your heart. Just like they do in movies. Whenever they have confrontations, all these mafia-like people pull guns out of their "hidden" blazer pockets, and I go WHOA OMG they have GUNZ!... With winter around the corner I have an excuse to wear a blazer everyday, which means I have a valid excuse for acting suspicious, making shifty looks at my friends, reaching into my "hidden" pocket and pulling out a .....pen.
N.B. I never do this very well. Whenever I attempt to do such things my friends look at me like I have carrots growing out of my ears (or something equally weird).

Today the things that amused me included an iphone application of a piano keyboard (I played "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" and beamed at people around me every few notes), my crunchy apple (it was one of the crunchiest I ever had. I just had to listen to myself chewing) and primary kids' class blogs (now I know for sure there are people out there who have absolutely nothing to do). I amuse my associates by being amused. Hence, I bring joy to the world around me. XD

Three other unrelated things that I have to get off my chest or else I will have no peace:
1. Ludwig Van Beethoven is NOT of the Romantic period for music.
2. Snoozing that extra 5 minutes in the morning counts.
3. I blame my American burr/writing habits on too much American television and books by American authors. (In truth, American spelling is prettier. "Mom" and "Mum", "realise" and "realize": Which one is prettier?)

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